Tuesday 10 March 2009

Summer, what’s up guys?

Although you won’t believe me, there’s a scientific theory called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) which explains why people are happier in summer than in winter time. Have you heard about it? Ok, I’ll tell you what it is. According to the experts more than 80% of us are likely to choose hot places to go on holiday.
How does it work?
Our seasonal mood is easily affected by external factors; mainly the ones that are related to light, which goes directly into the receptors (skin, hair, eyes). These turn the information given into energy. This goes up to the brain and starts acceleration in the process of communication between brain cells/ As a result of that the cells develop more efficiency and the ability to perform mentally and physically.
Can any kind of light improve our mood?
In fact, there is only a specific wave frequency that can be caught by the receptors, which is irradiated by the sun and candles, although there are some products in the market, such as, “The Happy Lamp” which is a creation that is supposed to have the same effect as the Sun, and has been made to help depressed people in winter time.
In a nut shell…
Well guys, don’t panic if you already feel bored and depressed. Try to light some candles and be happy.
Please take note of this!
Our brain works with thousands of nerve impulses. These are closely connected to a plethora of internal and external facts; We have in our inner body organs, hormones, genes, cells, that define our personality and behaviour. Therefore saying that our mood is only dictated by one agent (such as the weather), is nothing more than a big lie!

* free from storm or wind
* filled or abounding with fog or mist; 'a brumous October morning'
* lacking definite form or limits 'nebulous distinction between pride and conceit'
* affected or characterized by storms or commotion
* bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer
* free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet
* not hot not cold but in the middle
* a state of coldness
* abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes
Jisney Paola Moreno Roman

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